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The Georgia Commitment Scholars Program is a need-based scholarship program that is open to first-year undergraduate students. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years (8 semesters) and comes with a variety of programs and resources to support student success. If a Georgia Commitment Scholar’s eligibility changes, the scholar will continue to have access to the Georgia Commitment Scholars programs and success resources.


Georgia residents who submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are automatically screened for eligibility and no additional application is necessary. Funding is limited so it is important to complete the FAFSA early. Priority consideration will be given to students who submit a FAFSA by December 15th of each year (note, for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, this priority consideration date will be March 1st 2024).




The Georgia Commitment Scholarship may be renewed up to 8 semesters (excluding summer) or until the student has earned an undergraduate degree.

If awarded the scholarship, continuing eligibility depends on continued financial need as determined by annual submission of a FAFSA, as well as maintaining academic eligibility criteria.

Additional information including resources available for scholars can be found at the Division of Academic Enhancement’s Georgia Commitment Scholars webpage.

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