The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a Federal Campus-Based Program and is a form of gift aid that does not have to be repaid as long as the student was and remains eligible for the grant disbursement.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process.
The Award Year maximum FSEOG award amount is $500 per fall and/or spring semester. The minimum award amount is $100 per fall and/or spring semester. These maximum and minimum amounts also apply to summer (if awarded).
Students must:
- be eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant, and
- have a Zero (0) Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for Aid Years 2023-2024 and prior, and a negative or Zero (0) Student Aid Index (SAI) for Aid Years 2024-2025 and beyond, and
- Unmet Need must be greater than $100 per semester being awarded.
Enrollment Status:
- Awarded students enrolled at least half-time generally retain their FSEOG eligibility for the semester. Students enrolled less than half-time may not remain eligible if their adjusted Cost of Attendance (COA) results in their FSEOG award amount exceeding their recalculated Unmet Need.
Important Dates for Limited Need-Based Funds Consideration:
FSEOG awarding is subject to the Important Dates for Limited Need-Based Funds Consideration.