Ask Archie


How much do summer courses cost?

The Bursar’s Office is responsible for tuition and fees. Please visit their website for more information about tuition and student fees for Summer 2025.

Deadlines and Application

What are the payment deadlines for Summer 2025?

Payment dates are established by the Student Accounts department. You can find Payment deadline dates on the Bursar’s website.

Are there deadlines in order to receive summer financial aid?

Students can apply any time during the Award Year (as long as they still meet all eligibility criteria); however, in order for financial aid to pay toward your semester’s student account charges, you must complete the financial aid process including Verification (if selected), by April 1st for Summer 2025.

Students who fail to complete the process by this date should be prepared to initially pay all the charges on their student account, including tuition and fees, housing, food services, etc. Once students have completed the financial aid process, they will be awarded the financial aid for which they qualify even if classes have already begun.

In order to receive financial aid for Summer 2025, which FAFSA must I complete / have on file?

Summer 2025 is part of the 2024-2025 award year. Students must make sure they have a 2024-2025 FAFSA on file at UGA or complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA if they have not completed one yet. Students can complete the FAFSA on and add UGA as the school (school code: 001598).


How do I request loans for Summer?

In order to request Federal Loans for Summer, please follow these instructions (PDF) to complete a Change in Aid Request to have your loan eligibility reviewed in advance of summer classes beginning.

Keep in mind loan eligibility requires at least half-time enrollment during the term.

Please be aware of the annual limits, since summer 2025 is the end of the 2024-2025 award year and is subject to the same annual limits. If you have already received your annual maximum of loans, you would not be eligible for additional loans for summer.

I have received the maximum in Unsubsidized Loans during Fall / Spring, what are my options to help with my Summer classes?

Graduate/Professional students who have reached their annual maximum in Unsubsidized Loans, can request a Grad PLUS Loan by submitting a Change In Aid Request to our office. Grad PLUS Loans are not guaranteed and are subject to credit approval.


When will my financial aid be disbursed to my Student Account?

Summer disbursements are based on your summer enrollment. Financial aid awards will be disbursed to your student account 10 days prior to the start of your earliest class.

College of Pharmacy

I am a second year Pharm.D. student participating in a 3 week program this summer for course credit. I have completed a Change in Aid to request loan funds for this program and have been awarded loans. When will my excess funds be disbursed?

Your excess funds will be disbursed no earlier than 10 days prior to the start of your program. If your program is during the month of May, please keep in mind that you cannot receive loan funds for housing as you already received your housing allowance for the month of May in your Spring 2025 cost of attendance.

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