Ask Archie

Contacting the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA)

Please see our FAQs to review our most commonly asked financial aid questions.

By Phone: (706) 542-6147 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM except university holidays
By Email: [email protected]
By Fax: (706) 542-8217
In-person: In an effort to better serve our students, OSFA is currently accepting appointments for student inquiries. Click here to schedule a meeting by phone, in-person, or via Zoom. We encourage students to call our office if immediate assistance is needed.

Submitting scholarship checks / documents

Scholarship checks and other documents should be mailed to:

Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA)
University of Georgia
Holmes-Hunter Academic Building, Room 312
101 Herty Drive
Athens, GA 30602

Please remember to include the student’s name and UGA student ID number (81xxxxxxx). Make all scholarship checks payable to the University of Georgia. If a check is made co-payable to UGA and the student, the student will be required to sign the check which may delay the application of the funds to the student’s account.

Email Attachments

OSFA cannot accept email attachments but UGA students can send documents to our office through UGA’s secure SendFiles service. For more information on how to do that click here.

UGA students can also contact our office for permission to upload documents to our secure portal.

OSFA Peer Financial Counseling Program

The OSFA Peer Financial Counseling Program is currently accepting appointments for financial literacy inquiries from UGA students. Click here to schedule a meeting via Zoom with a UGA Peer Financial Counselor.

Press / Media Inquiries

Contact [email protected] for all  media/ press inquiries. Please include your name, media affiliation, where the piece will be published, your deadline, and what information you need.

If contacting OSFA by phone, please ask to speak with our Press Liaison who will research your request. Allow two business days for a response to your inquiry.


The Office of Student Financial Aid is located on the third floor of the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building, directly behind the Arch. Enter from either of the first floor offices and take the elevator to the third floor.

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